R3 Resolutions is a dispute resolution company offering mediation and expert conclave facilitation services that empower people to resolve civil claims on their own terms.

about R3

R3 Resolutions provides expert mediation and facilitation services, both online and in person

Established by Julie Somerville, a lawyer with over 25 years’ experience resolving civil claims, in particular professional indemnity, medical negligence, public liability, intentional torts and institutional abuse claims. 

As a mediator, Julie’s ability to facilitate communications between parties has proved invaluable in a wide range of disputes.

R3 Resolutions creates the right environment for those claims to be resolved:

quicker and cheaper than litigation;

in a way that addresses the real needs of the parties; and

by providing a way forward for parties to start rebuilding the future they desire.


Mediation is a voluntary, confidential process where parties work with a neutral and impartial mediator to resolve their dispute. The parties decide how the dispute is resolved, rather than a Court imposing it on them.

R3 Resolutions adopts a facilitative approach to mediation by assisting the parties to have the conversations that they have not previously been able to have, in an open and respectful manner.

expert conclave facilitation

facilitating discussions to produce a report that assists the parties and the Court

Increasingly, the Courts are requiring parties to arrange experts with a specialised knowledge on an issue to confer, and produce, a joint report that identifies their areas of agreement and narrows the issues in dispute. Done well, the joint report assists the just, quick and effective disposal of proceedings and reduce the need for experts to attend Court to give evidence. Done poorly, they can be a waste of time and money.


“Thank you for your outstanding work at this mediation, particularly at such short notice including a request to travel to (redacted). I don’t know any other mediator who would have gone to that effort in the lead up and at the mediation. I’m quite sure we could not have resolved this claim at this juncture without you and before we knew it the parties would have been travelling down the expensive, and for the plaintiff, potentially traumatising, path of litigation. Your efforts are much appreciated by us and our clients. We look forward to working with you again.

Historical child abuse claim

Partner - National Law Firm

I thought to let you know that the whole of the matter of [redacted] has settled now and I am confident that it was due in large part to the way that the joint conferences were handled by you and the excellent reports that issued. I have also had much favourable feedback from my experts, many of who are regulars in the field of medical negligence joint conferences. Dr [redacted] in particular was high in his praise of the way that you facilitated his joint conference(s) saying that unlike his previous joint conferences with 2 of the 3 experts where he found them difficult to engage with, this time the experience was much better and that was because you had facilitated the process and not just allowed the experts to carry on with their own agenda. Thank you. I very much appreciate your assistance in achieving the resolution of the matter and look forward to working with you again.

Expert conclave facilitation, Medical negligence claim

Special Counsel, Sydney

I cannot sufficiently express my gratitude for your professionalism, availability on short notice, positive interaction with my expert, from what I am told, and the excellent quality of the report itself. This was my first experience using R3 Resolutions (though having heard good things) and I very much look forward to working with you again in the future.

Expert conclave facilitation, Medical negligence and product liability claim

Defendant's solicitor, Sydney

I acted for the plaintiff in an extremely complex matter with 3 defendants. The matter had been progressing for 5 years, and a previous mediation had been cancelled. When this cancellation occurred, Julie spoke with me and kindly agreed to placehold another date in the future, so by the time everything was ready to proceed our client did not have to wait any longer. Due to the complexities the matter was unable to be settled, and Julie arranged to resume the mediation the following week and then proceeded with the legal representatives during that time to ensure that the matter could be resolved. It did resolve, and I strongly believe that had another mediator been present, the result may not have occured. Myself and my client are thus indebted to Julie’s professionalism and skills

Historical abuse claim

Hayley Aldrich, Special Counsel, Sydney

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